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Dear people of Grace,

As the sun sets tomorrow evening, we transition into Christmas, or more appropriately the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord. This is our annual celebration of the incarnation – God’s taking on of human flesh, in the person of Jesus.

The Christian celebration of Christmas has always had a rocky history of observance. We are not the first generation to be concerned about the over-secularization of this religious feast day. For centuries the Church has struggled to keep the focus of its members on Christ – keeping the Christ in Christmas.

I am no religious purist when it comes to holidays. In fact, I think it isn’t possible to exclude Christ from the celebration. A feast devoted to the gathering together of loved ones, an abundance of food and drink, the thoughtful giving of gifts, time away from work to relax and indulge – these are the hallmarks of the kingdom of God.

Whether people are conscious that, through their participation in this holiday, they are indulging in a foretaste of the kingdom of God; whether people are aware that their gestures of love are a sharing in God’s being; whether people comprehend that the extravagance of our celebration is a mirror of the abundance of God’s gifts to the world; these are secondary to the pleasure God receives in watching our simple joy.

God looks at his creation this night, as he prepares to enter into it, and he sees that it is good.

Enjoy this holiday. Enjoy each other.

God is with us! Christ is born! Let us rejoice and be glad.

Blessings and peace,
Deacon Nick