Grace Episcopal Church is searching for a new rector to lead our parish in worship, fellowship, mission, and outreach as we grow into God’s call to us.
The vestry has tasked the Search Committee with seeking the vision of our parishioners and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to inform our collective effort to call a new rector.
The Search Committee is now in the process of reviewing candidates and accepting names.
How to Participate
The search process depends upon faithful participation by not just the vestry and search committee but the entire parish.
- The Parish survey We had good involvement with the parish survey done in 2023, 125% of our normal Sunday attendance took the time to say what was important to them.
- Share your comments, concerns, and ideas with the committee via email or place a card in the comment box located in the church.
- Talk to the members of the search committee and the vestry.

Key Steps in the Transition Process
- The Vestry calls an interim priest.
- The Vestry initiates a parish survey process to get parishioners’ input. We had a great response.
- The Vestry appoints the Search Committee and is commissioned by our Interim Rector.
- The Parish Profile is published and uploaded to the Diocesan website . The profile is an overview of the church and its vision for prospective rector candidates.
- The Diocese trains the Search Committee so they can effectively interview candidates.
- The Search Committee receives names of candidates, meets with them, and selects a finalist following vetting by the Diocese of Texas’ Office of Transition Ministry.
- The Vestry votes on the finalist and, if affirmed, extends a call.
Your Role in the Search Process
All Parishioners
It is essential for parishioners to participate in the process by continuing their strong stewardship of the church; praying for and encouraging one another, the search committee, the vestry, and our clergy and staff; and providing feedback via forums, surveys, and other means of communication.
The vestry is responsible for forming and supporting the Search Committee, preparing the compensation and benefits package for the position, voting on the candidate put forward by the search committee, and extending a call to the chosen candidate.
Search Committee
The committee is called to discern where the parish has been, where it is today, and where God is calling it to be in the future; build a body of information that identifies the gifts and graces the parish needs from the next rector; and assess the applications of those who seek to serve as the next rector to see if the gifts and graces they offer match the parish’s needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will a new rector be in place?
According to the Diocese of Texas’ Office of Transition Ministry, a typical search process runs about 12-16 months from the time a rector leaves to the time the next rector is on board.
How will candidates be vetted?
The Office of Transition Ministry vets candidates according to the best practices established by the diocese. This includes a formal background check, communication between our diocesan and the candidate’s bishop if the candidate is from outside our diocese, a call or visit between our diocesan Bishop and the candidate, and interviews and consideration by the parish search committee.
Will the congregation get to meet and hear from all the candidates?
The Search Committee will receive and review resumes and meet with the candidates. Confidentiality during the process is crucial, especially because most of the clergy candidates will currently be serving another parish. For this reason, the congregation will not know which candidates are under consideration.
Rector Search Committee
Nancy Conoly
Randy Bailey
Laura Hyatt
Camillia St. John
Corlie Jackson
Monica Golemo
Jim Thompson
Judy Kay
Jeff Kilgore
Bill Watson, Ex-Officio