
Acolytes assist the clergy with liturgical roles such as carrying the processional cross (the crucifer), holding the gospel book, or assisting the celebrant at the altar. Acolytes must be at least 8 years old and in third grade to serve.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy in the distribution of the Eucharist. Lay Eucharistic Ministers (or LEMs) serve at the altar with the clergy. Following Sunday worship, Lay Eucharistic Visitors (or LEVs) take consecrated communion kits to shut-ins – those who cannot come to the church, taking the Eucharistic celebration directly into peoples’ homes.
Lectors and Intercessors
Lectors read the scriptures appointed during worship services (typically from the Old Testament, a Psalm and a New Testament reading). Intercessors lead the prayers of the people.
Unction Ministers
Grace has a long history of providing unction (healing with anointing oil) during Sunday worship. Unction ministers are licensed to perform Anointing of the Sick according to the liturgy for Ministration to the Sick in the Book of Common Prayer.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the altar and all of the Eucharistic vessels for weekly worship and special services. They are also in charge of arranging the flowers and ensuring the chancel (space around the altar) is ready for worship.
The Chancel Choir assists worship by leading hymn singing. The choir also sings anthems and other pieces during certain liturgies.
Ushers and Greeters
The Ushers and Greeters take care of everything going on in the Nave (the part of the church where the congregation sits) during worship. Ushers make sure worship bulletins and books are distributed, and assist in directing worshippers to Eucharist or during any part of the service which requires movement. Ushers also bring the people’s offerings (money, bread and wine) to the altar at the Offertory. Greeters welcome visitors and new members to Grace and make sure they are comfortable.
Children’s Liturgy Ministers
There is a Children’s Chapel each Sunday during regular worship, leaving before the Gloria and returning at the Peace. Children’s Liturgy Ministers assist the Children’s Minister with our younger Christians, assisting children follow the liturgy and the response exercise for that day.